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Mark Gladden

CEO / Founder
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Mark Gladden is the founder of By The Sea Recovery, a sober living facility located in beautiful San Diego, California. After struggling with addiction, Mark finally found recovery and a new purpose in life, to help others who are battling the same battle he faced.


January 31, 2020
Learning to Let Go With a “Letting Go” Box

Letting go is one topic that most people who live with an addiction disorder have a problem with. In recovery, […]

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January 31, 2020
How Can Family Adapt to Your Recovery?

Many people in recovery make a lot of changes in what seems a short time. Sometimes, you may feel more […]

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January 15, 2020
Are You Addicted to Danger?

When you were using substances, how often did you do something that was dangerous? Did you get a little thrill […]

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December 20, 2019
The To-Do List as a Recovery Tool

Once you’ve been in sobriety a while, life becomes more interesting. When you were drinking and drugging, you probably had […]

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December 20, 2019
7 Sober Coping Skills for the Holidays

The holidays can be stressful for people in and out of recovery. Getting together with family can sometimes cause anxiety […]

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December 17, 2019
How Active Listening Can Help Your Recovery

Many people in recovery learn new skills as they spend more time sober. Learning about your feelings, triggers, and other […]

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November 27, 2019
Staying Sober This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again. The holiday season in America can bring out some of the best and worst […]

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November 26, 2019
Living and Thriving Even When There's Stress

Stress is a fact of life for so many people nowadays. It’s not limited to those in recovery. However, this […]

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November 14, 2019
Taking Action Without Huge Expectations

Do you have a lot of expectations in life? Many people who struggle with addiction come up with a great […]

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October 31, 2019
Using Social Media as a Person in Recovery

As a person of the modern age, you probably have a social networking account. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all […]

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