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Mark Gladden

CEO / Founder
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Mark Gladden is the founder of By The Sea Recovery, a sober living facility located in beautiful San Diego, California. After struggling with addiction, Mark finally found recovery and a new purpose in life, to help others who are battling the same battle he faced.


October 30, 2019
Developing a New Passion in Recovery

When you first start your journey in recovery, you live much of your life "in the moment." Emotions and working […]

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October 24, 2019
Starting New and Healthy Habits

Once you're in recovery, it’s time to start keeping some healthy habits. The top one will be doing your best […]

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September 27, 2019
Practicing Willingness Throughout Recovery

Everyone in recovery has heard about the importance of willingness. When you first get clean and sober, you have to […]

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September 25, 2019
Understanding and Learning Emotional Regulation

We’re all human. We all make mistakes and feel sad, angry, and lonely at times. Part of being human is […]

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September 9, 2019
Mending Relationships With Parents in Recovery

Mending relationships with your father or mother is a struggle for many people in recovery. You may have caused your […]

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August 23, 2019
How Guys Can Bond Without Drinking

Male bonding is something that’s usually portrayed in the media as living like a "tough guy.” Let’s face it; there […]

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August 14, 2019
Mental Health: What All Men Need to Know

The media in the world we live in perpetuates a lot of stereotypes. For as far back as many of […]

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July 11, 2019
Why Choose Aftercare?

People coming from inpatient facilities often feel overwhelmed when returning to the “real world.” After all, treatment was a safe, […]

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June 28, 2019
How Can Families Heal From Addiction?

Addiction is a family disease and affects more people than the addicted person probably realizes. Friends, spouses, parents, and children […]

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June 27, 2019
Letting Go of Anger

Are you angry a lot of the time? Many people learn to react angrily to life on life’s terms because […]

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