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Arrested Development in Prison?

A heroin ring seems to have been a problem in the New York prison where the inmates escaped with supposed support of correctional staff. Heroin use is escalating and its manifestation must be obvious within the correctional facilities. It is interesting to see if there is any attention to drug and alcohol use within as well as the support to have those within the system transition back into society. Recovery programs are very archaic within prison, limited to 12 stem meetings and faith based interventions. Can we implement telemedicine? Tele-counseling? Where can technology, a very low cost investment to outcome ratio, be implemented? As always, change is needed and the way we have been doing things will not take us to the vision we have as a country and community, there must be support for the unattended and uninsured if there is to be progress in general.

Sober Living San Diego

A brave soul to come out and share her hope and message about recovery against the overwhelming resistance of stigma, anonymity and continued belief of early efforts to curtail use through abstinence.   Not only are these celebrities saving lives, but changing the way we see addiction: from a dark connotation to an understanding of a serious disease affecting the brain and body. As our assessment to treat this disease changes, so does our vocabulary and our perception to a much more clearer manner to attend the population's questions, worries and concerns. Thank you Stevie Nicks, you are the beginning of a wave that is sharing light to a misunderstood epidemic. There is a solution.

Canada might be neutral, but is very positive on making progress on addiction treatment. Their money is going to prevent, educate and make sure the epidemic is getting some hands on. What are we waiting for?

By the Sea recovery is San Diego's premiere sober living home. Call us for help & answers on how to live in a great sober house.

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