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Margaret Cho on Sober Living

We thank Margaret Cho, comedian extraordinaire, for voicing the importance of extending sobriety through sober living. Given the low rates of recovery and previous limit on rehab due to insurance, the focus on extending sobriety through sober living has been a controversial, in housing, but behaviorally transforming emphasis of sobriety in healthcare. Although having a more limited structure and supervision than rehab or detox, sober living homes have made it possible for those wanting drug and alcohol rehab go beyond the common 28 days, even sometimes to a year.

The more we speak about it, the less a stigma it has on society and those who are hurting. We are all a part of this world and are impacted by the effects by alcohol or drugs whether directly or indirectly, thank you to those who choose to share about the hope of behavioral elements of recovery such as sober living. We are excited to see society wake up and have the word sober living be part of their vocabulary when offering help and or support.

A heroin ring seems to have been a problem in the New York prison where the inmates escaped with supposed support of correctional staff. Heroin use is escalating and its manifestation must be obvious within the correctional facilities. It is interesting to see if there is any attention to drug and alcohol use within as well as the support to have those within the system transition back into society. Recovery programs are very archaic within prison, limited to 12 stem meetings and faith based interventions. Can we implement telemedicine? Tele-counseling? Where can technology, a very low cost investment to outcome ratio, be implemented? As always, change is needed and the way we have been doing things will not take us to the vision we have as a country and community, there must be support for the unattended and uninsured if there is to be progress in general.

Sober Living San Diego

And we never think we hurt others while we go around our own problems, specially in families. In Addiction, the confusion is intensified with the lies and the fear to communicate what's real: there's a serious problem with alcohol and/or drugs and believing that circumventing around members, many times the younger ones, will be alleviating or a less heavy burden. Its worse. This beautiful article depicts the story of a son's journey with the problem of a father. To those thinking that alcoholism or drug addiction is only one persons problem, we say think again.

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And finally colleges begin to understand that a wonderful way to keep some students from dropping out is to ensure their safety by supporting and even creating recovery housing near their campuses. Universities listen: alcohol and drugs are an epidemic in your campuses. Recovery is a theme that needs to be spread so that prevention can be the true theme to speak about. Sober residences: these will be the future to the greek system that presently hinders the educational voyage.

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