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Eminem Shares Previous Struggle With Drugs That Pushed Him To 230 Pounds

Eminem Shares Previous Struggle With Drugs That Pushed Him To 230 Pounds : LIFE : Tech Times

The brave rapper and entertainer Eminem opens up abut his demons, difficulties and journey to health. We commend this talented artist that could inspire the over 22 million people in recovery from substance use disorders in the United States. We forget it affects everyone no matter our backgrounds, but that the vulnerability and honesty of this amazing artist can bring life to those not seeing beyond the haze of today. Thank you Eminem.

With drinking on the rise and affecting over 33 million people in the United States, efforts to provide alternatives to punitive corrections such as sober living and/or treatment has its own barriers. Society wants them to get help, but not close to them. Alcohol and drug free homes are opening up to attend the demand, but what are the standards and protocols? Is a sober house just any house with agreed rules or should overseeing bodies have close monitoring? Do cities work with these overseeing bodies and how can users and the community have feedback? Research has found that housing for alcohol and drug addiction recovery does in fact reduce crime and impact the overall ambience of a community. The effort lies in communicating these results to society and agreeing on best practices of these residences to have more outcomes rather than dark stories that can pull strong efforts to change the way we view substance use disorders.

What starts as recreational marijuana and prescription opiate use can escalate to an overdose, and given the sensitive biology that is still developing in youth, most prefrontal activity is interrupted and hindered by the strong prescriptions available in most cabinets. Its a phase. She will get out of it. Unfortunately the stigma is still too large and few want to discuss it as if it would not happen to a specific group or segment.

Treatment centers are attending this problem and supporting the recovery with sober living, safe housing that is overseen by organizations such as the sober living network and ccapp. More focus on long term plans and supporting families need to be addressed for it is illogical that a problem that arises from months and up to years can be detained in 30 days.

A heroin ring seems to have been a problem in the New York prison where the inmates escaped with supposed support of correctional staff. Heroin use is escalating and its manifestation must be obvious within the correctional facilities. It is interesting to see if there is any attention to drug and alcohol use within as well as the support to have those within the system transition back into society. Recovery programs are very archaic within prison, limited to 12 stem meetings and faith based interventions. Can we implement telemedicine? Tele-counseling? Where can technology, a very low cost investment to outcome ratio, be implemented? As always, change is needed and the way we have been doing things will not take us to the vision we have as a country and community, there must be support for the unattended and uninsured if there is to be progress in general.

Sober Living San Diego

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