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Sober Living, a Neighborhood Nightmare?

People are complaining about the growth of sober living homes, but isn't it at its core a reflection of the drug and alcohol problem in the United States? Is there a space to talk about procedures and best practices? Absolutely? Can they be stopped or closed down? We might as well follow the Phillipines, from research and evidence based practices, housing is a first step for the need and a community that reintegrates those suffering understands the importance of its impact on the long run. Thank you for the conversations, we hope there are just as many solutions as the problems that arise. For those sober living homes that are rocking it (doing great), please come to the front and share your hope, we need it.

Sober living seems to be heading towards standards and regulations as an outcome of Orange County. Just like there are amazing homes with true passion and leadership, the tarnish of those who aren't supervised or regulated can only hurt the overall mission of recovery housing: that were someone wishing to begin their journey may find a blessing of an atmosphere to transform.

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