Quite fervently and proud of his sobriety, Rob Lowe hits a dubsmash (a lip synching app) out of the park, singing to the sound of music. A galant and poised and most recognizable Lowe of the 90's, Rob seems to be portraying an amazing zest for life and we commend him for this sober living lifestyle gusto.
The stories of hope in recovery from addiction and alcoholism, presently known as substance use disorders, are very real. The impact of school on the turnaround is very real and rarely heard (as well as employment). The challenge is finding these colleges that are willing to give individuals second chances as well as accommodating programs to fit someone hurting from alcohol abuse or drug addiction right into their classes. Heres a thumbs up to those opening their doors, for those who change will impact thousands in their new journey.
Ace of Kiss 'comes out' regarding his recovery after receiving the most coveted award in music, the hall of fame. Yet another grand name becomes open regarding a journey of life and a once seemingly held stigma that now seems a calling to educate and empower the community than anything else. Thank you for your strength through vulnerability.
Aaah, so perhaps there is some science behind the caffeine overload of many in early recovery from alcohol and substance use disorders? Definitely worth throwing in more research. Starbucks wanting to sponsor a double blind study in early addiction?
And the lawsuits continue.
Is there a space to talk about procedures and best practices? Absolutely? Can they be stopped or closed down?
By the Sea recovery is San Diego's premiere sober living home. Call us for help & answers on how to live in a great sober house.
The supreme court said no. It will not review nor follow up on Newport wishing to regulate sober living homes. Its interesting however that there has to be standards and a mechanism for control, for a situation like the one in Florida, mixing insurance and treatment, may cross fine lines and be pushing the terms of treatment and recovery housing. Where to place a line? Where to say 'this is discriminatory'? While arguments from both sides are afloat, NAARR and CAARR continue to be the overseeing bodies of sober living homes and the 'standard' of todays recovery housing. The cities will continue to be scared: some rightly so, others in outright stigma-ridden fear. The recovery community needs to come together and self regulate, at the level of cities, not ignoring educating and supporting the city by collecting data, implementing best practices or evidence based research, and continue to being open to feedback and change. The sober housing field is in its adolescent stage: shouts of independence are being heard yet there is no real evidence of independence. How can we support both sides of growth and regulation?
Beautiful Joe. Educating and sharing personal experiences comfort the questions, fears and doubts about mental health and substance use disorders: from anger to solutions. It also creates a shift from handicap to empowerment, both supporting governmental agencies and leaders to promote evidence based programs, social support models and existing agencies that are currently having positive outcomes. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, and usually 'a-ha' breakthroughs are rarely the norm, but rather the support of existing programs that require a little extra push, communicating it to the general public and having conversations on existing areas of growth. Thank you Joe, we need your story and may others who have a positive role in society continue to come up and share theirs.