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To license or not to license sober living homes

And the fight to regulate sober living homes continues. An Arizona bill seeks to license sober houses and recovery homes, placing an interesting point of view on a seemingly untouched policy for disabled housing, which those suffering from substance use disorders are under (ADA and FDH). Are there standards in sober living homes? If they are, they have not been published other than general variables finding support to sustainable recovery. It has been stated that those against the development of more alcohol and drug free housing lies solely on discrimination, yet after reading this article it seems cities or states do not want to close them down, but to make sure there are clear parameters by which to live either side by side to a community or to definitely set out specific boundaries to development. Is there discrimination happening? Im sure. Is it all discrimination? Im not sure, I don't think its wrong to want to find out what are the standards of sober living homes and are overseeing bodies such as the sober living network and caarr living up to these standards when certifying homes. If there is news, it will only bring us closer to attending the questions of the community and strengthening the core of recovery housing.



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Mark Gladden
CEO / Founder
Mark Gladden is the founder of By The Sea Recovery, a sober living facility located in beautiful San Diego, California. After struggling with addiction, Mark finally found recovery and a new purpose in life, to help others who are battling the same battle he faced.
Customer Testimonials
  • Very Friendly staff and a great living facility

    My brother, we’ll call him James to protect his anonymity, came here after attending their detox and inpatient program. He’s had tremendous success and currently has over six months of sobriety!

    - Jeff Hanson

  • This is not your average sober living.

    My family has been reunited and we share a beautiful relationship today. By the Sea is the cornerstone of my recovery and I am forever grateful for the experience I have had with the people I consider my family.

    - Adam Herald

  • We highly recommend Mark and his facility.

    Mark answered a cold call from us when we were confused and desperate trying to help our son. Six months later he is transitioning to living on his own and we are thankful for Mark and the By the Sea community.

    - Google Reviewer
